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For the past few years, CSR has been targeting to actively participate in "Education" programs.

In addition, to conduct “JIND Campus” by sharing EPC knowledge, we also explore in participating in the world of sports, where we choose badminton as one of the favorite sports in Indonesia and POSEIDON Badminton Club is our choice, this club is specifically train children who do exercises every day after school, later they will participate in the PBSI national training. the POSEIDON Badminton Club established on February 25th, 2021 under the Management of the South Jakarta PBSI City Council which accepts male and female athletes from Pre-Early Age to become Professional badminton athletes who have played in National and International events.

JGC Indonesia has distributed uniforms for competition and Uniforms for daily practice, also shuttlecock to this Badminton club.

Hopefully, with their enthusiasm to compete, they can improve in excelling competitions and can immediately join PELATNAS.

This CSR activity hopefully will help to produce professional athletes who have good personalities, foster and educate athletes to become champions and promote sports, especially badminton among the community that sponsored by PT JGC Indonesia.

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