Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world. [1] The country has a coastline of 81.000 km, it means that the country’s natural geographical conditions lead to good potential in renewable energy, one of which is a large source of wind energy located in the ocean and near the coast. Wind energy can be used as an alternative energy that can reduce fossil fuels in electricity usage that is more environmental-friendly due to low gas emissions and pollution.
Fundamentally, a difference in air pressure might result from a temperature differential between two different locations, which then wind occur. Turbines may be moved by wind at certain speeds since wind is a movement of air. Wind turbines are used to produce energy, such as kinetic energy and electrical energy. Increasing wind speed makes the energy produced also increase, even reaching the highest limit of energy that can be produced.
[2] Based on the results of mapping the distribution of wind speeds, it was found that high wind speeds (6 - 8 m/s) onshore occurred on the south coast of Java, South Sulawesi, Maluku and NTT. While wind speeds in the offshore area show figures of more than 8 m/s occurred in offshore in Banten, offshore in Sukabumi, offshore in Kupang, offshore in Wetar Island, offshore in Jeneponto, and offshore in Tanimbar island district. There are also many regions in Indonesia that also has the potential for wind energy based on pre-Feasibility study.
Moreover, up to 20 times more electricity is produced by modern wind turbines than by those manufactured 25 years ago, and they are thought to be more efficient [3]. It means that today’s wind turbines can be more promising rather than in the past. The blades of modern turbines are longer, bigger, and taller. Also, according to energy analysts, as technology develops, wind energy will cost 20–50% cheaper by 2030. In addition, electricity generation in remote area can be useful if it is used directly for the production of e-fuels. It is a synthetic fuel that will eventually take the place of petroleum-based goods like paraffin, diesel, and gasoline, it is also beneficial as a unique-fundamental material for the chemical Industry.
Figure 1.1: Electricity costs of Wind Energy (Source :
[1] M. F. Hardiyon, “Persebaran potensi Energi Angin di indonesia,” Renewable Content Providers, 18-Jun-2022. [Available: [Accessed: 24-Feb-2023].
[2] Balai Besar Survei Dan Pengujian ketenagalistrikan, Energi Baru, Terbarukan, Dan Konservasi Energi. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2023, from
[3] G. Rueter, “Seberapa Besar potensi Energi Angin di Masa Depan? – DW – 14.12.2021,”, 15-Dec-2021. Available: [Accessed: 24-Feb-2023].
This article written by :
Julieta Isabell