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In order to meet the increasing demand in Indonesia market, PT Asahimas Chemical planned to build a new Chlor Alkali Plant as an expansion of the existing one. The Client aims to expand the production of 100% caustic soda (NaOh) to 330 MTPD. Caustic soda is an alkali chemical with a wide range of industrial applications, including the production of rayon, soap, detergent, seasoning, pulp and paper. Fueled by the rapid economic growth of Indonesia and other Asian countries, demand for caustic soda has been increasing significantly. The expansion will boost the plant’s production of Caustic Soda by 30% to around 500,000 tons per year.

The contract calls for the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) work associated with expansion of the electrolysis capacity of the Client's chlor-alkali production plant in Cilegon, Banten, Indonesia.

Within the project, there are 3 main areas of the expansion of the plant, which consist of Electrolysis plant for production of caustic soda, chlorine gas, and hydrogen gas; Caustic Soda Evaporation Plant; and Synthetic HCL Plant. Besides the main areas, the scope also including HCL storage facility & ship loading facility.

JGC Plant Solutions, a Japanese subsidiary of JGC Corporation which focused largely on the EPC business, has been awarded the procurement work from offshore portion (or outside Indonesia) for this plant, while JGC Indonesia performed the engineering, domestic procurement, and construction work. With this collaboration, ASC Phase-V Expansion Project has been successfully completed in 2013 on target.

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